What is Japanese glue; What's the secret of super glue? How to remove the Japanese glue smeared on the hand?
What is the secret of Japanese glue, which has fast and strong adhesion? How is it that these adhesives offer such strong bonding? How to remove superglue from hands?
Have you ever wondered how Japanese adhesives, which have impressive adhesion abilities, achieve these abilities? If your answer is yes, we can start by saying that relatively simple chemistry reactions take place in it.
Like many other good discoveries, these adhesives, which have names such as super glue or instant glue in other countries and are known as Japanese glue in Turkey, were invented by chance. The person who discovered this product was the US chemist Dr. It was Harry Coover. The material Coover was working on hadn't worked for making a sight. However, Dr Coover later realized that they had the potential to be a strong adhesive.
Chemicals known as cyanoacrylates are substances that make super glue work. Most of the Japanese adhesives you will find in stores are basically made of ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate. They also contain smaller amounts of thickeners, stabilizers and preservatives.
When this chemical is kept in its airtight bottle, it consists of monomers, that is, single molecules that are like separate rings of an unlinked chain. Upon meeting with water, all these molecules change by entering into a chemical reaction that connects the rings in an atomic-level chain.
The chain polymerization reaction occurs due to traces of hydroxyl ions (OH-) in water that allow the separated molecules of ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate, also known as monomers, to link together in long chains known as polymers. The atomic bonds that make up these chains are strong and extremely difficult to break once formed.
Because there is moisture in the air and very little water on most objects you want to glue together, superglue will polymerize and harden quickly as it leaves the bottle and enters its new environment.
Superglue, a semi-viscous liquid, will seep into all microscopic corners and crevices of the two bonded objects. After polymerization, the adhesive hardens and turns into a deeply bonded solid, gluing the two parts together like glue.
Since ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate will polymerize rapidly in the presence of moisture and oils on your hands, a little carelessness may be enough for your fingers to stick together while using this adhesive.
Fortunately, there is a way to weaken the adhesive strength after the super glue has hardened. Acetone, one of the components of nail polish remover, also has the ability to dissolve Japanese glue.
The glue will still remain a polymer and the extremely strong bonds between the polymers will not break, but the solvent property of acetone should be enough to separate the glue from your fingers. However, pure acetone dries out the skin, so it is recommended to use it very carefully and cautiously.
Source: Chip